Terms of use


Postal address:

Rivella AG
Neue Industriestrasse 10
CH-4852 Rothrist

T +41 [0] 62 785 41 11
F +41 [0] 62 785 44 36

Terms of Use

Legal notice regarding the use of Rivella.ch and its subsites. Any person who accesses information from websites of Rivella AG acknowledges and agrees with the following conditions.

1. Non-binding nature

All information on the Rivella website is non-binding in nature. Rivella AG may at any time and without prior notice change or delete the published information or cease its publication temporarily or permanently. Rivella AG provides no guarantee (explicitly or implied) of the accuracy, completeness and currentness of the information provided on the Rivella website. In particular, Rivella shall not be obliged to remove any outdated information from the Rivella Website or to explicitly mark it as such.

2. Limitation of liability

The use of the content and information made available on the Rivella website is at the sole risk of the user. Rivella accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage of any kind – be it direct, indirect or consequential – that may result from the use of the Rivella website or from links to third-party websites. In addition, Rivella rejects all liability for manipulations of the internet user’s computer systems carried out by unauthorised persons, and expressly warns of the danger of viruses and the possibility of targeted hacker attacks. Under no circumstances should e-mails of unknown origin or unexpected attachments on an e-mail be opened.

3. Linked websites (links)

Certain links on the Rivella website lead to third-party websites. As these are completely outside the control of Rivella, Rivella accepts no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness and legality of the content of such websites, nor for any offers or services they may advertise. In the event of illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and in particular of any loss or damage arising from the use or non-use of links, the provider of the linked website is solely liable, and not Rivella, which merely makes reference to the relevant publication via links.

4. Use of the websites of Rivella AG

The entire content of the websites of Rivella AG is protected by copyright. The commercial use of the content of Rivella's websites by any means of reproduction, distribution and modification is not permitted without the prior written consent of Rivella. All property rights remain with Rivella. The trademarks and logos mentioned on the Rivella website are protected by trademark law. The use and appropriation of all trademarks and logos by third parties is prohibited. The products and services offered on this website are not available to persons domiciled in certain countries. Please take note of the sales restrictions that apply to certain products and services.

If the website www.rivella-group.com is linked to websites of products of the Rivella Group (www.rivella.ch; www.rivella.fr, www.rivella.at; www.rivella.lu www.michel.swiss; www.passaia.ch; www.urs.ch; www.focuswater.ch; www.eau-et-moi.ch), these terms of use and privacy policy also apply.

5. Privacy Policy

Responsible for the processing of your personal data is Rivella AG, Neue Industriestrasse 10, 4852 Rothrist.

Questions regarding the processing of personal data can be sent by email to Datenschutz@rivella.ch or to the above postal address.

Further information on data protection can be found here.

6. Validity of this disclaimer

This disclaimer is to be regarded as an integral part of the online presence which directed the user to this website. Insofar as sections or individual phrases of this text do not comply, or shall cease to comply, in full or in part with applicable law, this shall not affect the content or validity of the other sections of this document.

7. Declaration of consent to use photos/videos/content

By uploading the submitted content, the participant/client/consumer confirms that all submitted content has been produced by him/her and that all people who appear in it have given their consent to the publication of the materials (images, video, statements, etc.) on the social media channels or websites of Rivella AG.

Rivella AG may publish various images/videos/content related to Rivella AG events on its websites and social media. You may be visible in one of the images. In the case of photos, people have the right to their own image. This means that the people shown generally decide whether and in which form an image may be made and published. The images are intended to provide others with a look at Rivella events and to prompt them to take part as well. Neither the photographer nor the people shown in the photo/video have an entitlement to remuneration or to to be credited when the photo/video is published.

Rivella AG, Rothrist, Switzerland
